Tag Archives: Federal Employees

While Rome Burns Fiddles are Tuned Up

For the most part I try to steer clear of discussing politics.

It is not that I do not follow the political system. Quite the opposite, I am rather informed and involved in the government process and try to stay on top of current events as much as possible.

I am also a big history buff and believe that one must learn from history in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

The government is a lot like a puzzle. It takes a lot of pieces going together to work but it only takes a single piece to be missing to make the whole thing fall apart. Photo R. Anderson
The government is a lot like a puzzle. It takes a lot of pieces going together to work but it only takes a single piece to be missing to make the whole thing fall apart.
Photo R. Anderson

The reason for steering clear of political writing is simple. Were I to write about conservative topics that appeal to the right side, I am leaving out the left side. In the same manner if I write about liberal